Roanoke College had a strong presence at the Joint Mathematics Meetings of the American Mathematical Society and the Mathematical Association of America in Baltimore January 15-18. Dave Taylor, Karin Saoub, Adam Childers, Jan Minton, Anil Shende and Roland Minton all attended. Karin Saoub presented “A Tour Through Graph Theory: Projects for a Liberal Arts Math Course” based on her work in INQ 241, Anil Shende’s interdisciplinary project “QUBES Hub: a Vision of Online Collaboration in Teaching and Learning in Quantitative Biology” was presented by Drew LaMar of William & Mary, Roland Minton presented “Effective Driving on the PGA Tour” based on his golf research, and Adam Childers (shown above) presented “Sensitivity in Experimental Design” on his statistical research.
These presentations illustrate the range of interesting professional projects that are ongoing in the MCSP Department, including statistical research, the scholarship of teaching and learning, and national curriculum development. A highlight of the talks was the announcement that the NSF proposal for the QUBES project (including Anil Shende, Roanoke College collaborators DB Poli and Eric Friedman, and others) has been funded.
A national meeting is about networking as well as disseminating results. Dave Taylor and Roland Minton talked with editors about ongoing book projects. Everybody got to renew old friendships from graduate school and past meetings, and make new friends based on shared research interests. The entire Roanoke College group, along with Karin Saoub’s husband and daughter, had a great dinner at Fogo de Chao. Keep that good stuff coming!